Lifelong and typically passionate Cyclists

Pro Cycling Outlet grew out of the Bike Breaks Girona Cycle Centre started in 2009 after Dave realised there weren't any businesses serving cycling tourists who didn't want to go on organised tours.

Have a look at our YouTube Channel.

The Girona Cycle Centre provided destination services, rental and guiding in the city of Girona in northern Spain.

Over the past 14 years, since our establishment, we have seen the cycling community within Girona develop into something truly remarkable, and we have been there each step of the way to aid its progress and watch it unfold first-hand.

How Pro Cycling Outlet was born

At the centre of the cycling universe in Girona, northern Spain, Pro Cycling Outlet sells high quality new and used cycling equipment, sourced from top cycling pro teams, riders and trainers who make Girona their base. 

We have over 15 years in the business, built from our first operation – a cycle tour and rental agency, Bike Breaks, that welcomed hundreds of cycling tourists. We’ve seen Girona grow from an in-the-know-only corner of the cycling world to the international training destination it is today.

Who our customers are

From ten jerseys to a warehouse full of every piece of pro kit you can imagine, our business has evolved to grant access to the hidden pro-cycling world. At highly discounted prices, anyone, from novice to expert, can buy kit that could tackle (and perhaps has tackled) some of the most iconic climbs in cycling. We love that we’re able to:

help novice cyclists break into the sport with heavily discounted, but high-quality, clothing

connect hardcore cycling fans to dream pieces of cycling memorabilia

equip elite cyclists with performance-enhancing, highly technical, pro-level kit.

Whether you’re looking for the best value and quality – or just amazing pieces of cycling memorabilia – Pro Cycling Outlet is your go-to place.

Where the top teams go, a huge amount of kit follows – much of it staying in Girona when the riders return home. Over the years, we’ve formed strong links with the global cycling industry, and more than 250 pro riders and five teams regularly sell us their Cycling clothing and equipment. It's these kinds of connections that have helped us build an unparalleled collection of cycling equipment.  

That collection is as exciting to us as it is to customers. When a shipment arrives, the whole team crowds round to discover what treasures we’ll find. Even millionaire cycling enthusiasts rifle through our boxes like it’s Christmas because, unless it’s secondhand or you’re a pro, this level of kit is something money literally can’t buy. 

From a rack of jerseys to a warehouse full of kit

Ever since we squeezed a rack of Koen de Kort’s unwanted Astana jerseys into the old Bike Breaks shop in 2008, selling ex-pro gear has been a passion. Cyclists changing team and wondering what to do with piles of brand new, top-of-the-line kit they can no longer wear happens all the time and, often, sadly, it just gets thrown away. 

When Koen's jerseys sold within a week we had a new string to our business.

Featured collection

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What we Sell

14 years on and we are now a well established online cycling outlet offering an unparallelled collection of new and used cycling equipment for our clients not just in Girona but all over the world.

From our small warehouse located in Girona we process and ship elite clothing, its a real Aladins cave for cyclists, pretty much nothing we don’t have of haven't sold over the years.

Giving cycling fans the special opportunity to have access to a normally hidden world that we, in Girona, are lucky enough to be part of.

Whether you are looking for the best value/quality ratio or you just want to get amazing pieces of cycling memorabilia, Pro Cycling Outlet is your go-to place.

Check out this awesome article from the guys from Epic Road Rides.

We offer incredible pricing on the best cycling clothing and equipment on the market, much of which would go to waste were we not able to give it a new life.


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